Фанат Pokemon GO зробив зі свого собаки Пікачу (відео)

Британець Піп Сімпсон пофарбував усе своє стадо з 800 овець в яскравий помаранчевий колір, щоб уберегти їх від злодіїв.

Про це повідомляє Politeka з посиланням на The Daily Star.

Річ у тім, що за 4 роки в нього поцупили 300 овець і жодні заходи проти злочинців не допомогли. При цьому злодіїв поліція не знайшла. Від розпачу британець пішов на кардинальні заходи і пофарбував тварин. Зазначається, що фарба не містить шкідливих для овець речовин, отже, здоров’ю тварин нічого не загрожує.


FROM JOHN JEFFAY AT CASCADE NEWS LTD 0161 660 8087 / 07771 957773 john@cascadenews.co.uk / www.cascadenews.co.uk Syndicated for Westmorland Gazette Lakeland farmer Pip Simpson who has resorted to painting his herd of Cheviot ewes orange, in his battle against sheep rustlers. A SHEEP farmer has Tango-ed his flock with bright orange dye, to stop them being stolen. Pip Simpson has sprayed 800 of his Cheviots, after losing 300 to rustlers in the last four years. The only solution we could find was to make them completely different to everybody elses so theyve been sprayed luminous orange, said Pip, 50, from Troutbeck, Cumbria. Its just a dye  theres no chemicals or anything and its not going to harm them at all. Its as if theyve been Tango-ed, theyre literally luminous orange. Over the last four years we will have had towards 300 sheep go missing or pinched so weve had this constant problem with never being able to stop it, he said.
FROM JOHN JEFFAY AT CASCADE NEWS LTD 0161 660 8087 / 07771 957773 john@cascadenews.co.uk / www.cascadenews.co.uk Syndicated for Westmorland Gazette Lakeland farmer Pip Simpson who has resorted to painting his herd of Cheviot ewes orange, in his battle against sheep rustlers. A SHEEP farmer has Tango-ed his flock with bright orange dye, to stop them being stolen. Pip Simpson has sprayed 800 of his Cheviots, after losing 300 to rustlers in the last four years. The only solution we could find was to make them completely different to everybody elses so theyve been sprayed luminous orange, said Pip, 50, from Troutbeck, Cumbria. Its just a dye  theres no chemicals or anything and its not going to harm them at all. Its as if theyve been Tango-ed, theyre literally luminous orange. Over the last four years we will have had towards 300 sheep go missing or pinched so weve had this constant problem with never being able to stop it, he said.

За словами Сімпсона, якщо покупець побачить, що йому пропонують вівцю незвичайного кольору, він зрозуміє, що тварина могли поцупити, і не купуватиме її.

Проблема крадіжки овець – чимала проблема для фермерів Британії. Фінансові збитки від злочинів сягають 4 млн фунтів стерлінгів на рік.