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Как передает портал «Фототелеграф», журналисты и фотографы американского издания в 2016 году побывали во всех уголках нашей планеты, включая самые горячие точки.

Подводя итог года, они опубликовали свои лучшие шедевры, которые освещали самые актуальные события 2016 года.

Так, многие фотографии посвящены горячим темам — президентские выборы в США и война с боевиками ИГИЛ на востоке. В подборке можно увидеть сирийского солдата на руинах храма Бэла, уничтоженного боевиками ИГИЛ, и кандидата на пост президента США от Демократической партии Хиллари Клинтон.


Tens of thousands of South Sudanese people line up for the first food distribution administered by the International Committee of the Red Cross since the fighting stopped in Leer and a tentative peace is holding in Unity State, South Sudan, March 17, 2016.  When fighting raged throughout Leer in 2014 and 2015, most of the population fled, leaving civilians unable to harvest crops,and many struggling to find food. The city of Leer, once a bustling city and headquarters of opposition leader Riek Marchar, is now a ghost town reduced to rubble and the carcases of buildings. (Credit: Lynsey Addario for Time Magazine)
Tens of thousands of South Sudanese people line up for the first food distribution administered by the International Committee of the Red Cross since the fighting stopped in Leer and a tentative peace is holding in Unity State, South Sudan, March 17, 2016. When fighting raged throughout Leer in 2014 and 2015, most of the population fled, leaving civilians unable to harvest crops,and many struggling to find food. The city of Leer, once a bustling city and headquarters of opposition leader Riek Marchar, is now a ghost town reduced to rubble and the carcases of buildings. (Credit: Lynsey Addario for Time Magazine)
President Barack Obama and American Ballet Theater's principal dancer, Misty Copeland, in the Oval Office of the White House. 20160229. Photos by Callie Shell.
President Barack Obama and American Ballet Theater’s principal dancer, Misty Copeland, in the Oval Office of the White House. 20160229. Photos by Callie Shell.
Hillary Clinton campaigning in New Hampshire presidential primary. Winnacunnet High School, Hampton, NH. Being interviewed by Joe Klein of TIME Magazine. by James Nachtwey
Hillary Clinton campaigning in New Hampshire presidential primary. Winnacunnet High School, Hampton, NH. Being interviewed by Joe Klein of TIME Magazine.
by James Nachtwey
SYRIA. Palmyra / Tadmor. 1 April 2016. A Syrian Army soldier removes his helmet, sitting on the rubble of the former Temple of Bel, one of several sites in Ancient Palmyra destroyed by Islamic State militants.
SYRIA. Palmyra / Tadmor. 1 April 2016. A Syrian Army soldier removes his helmet, sitting on the rubble of the former Temple of Bel, one of several sites in Ancient Palmyra destroyed by Islamic State militants.

Вы увидите президента США Барака Обаму и приму-балерину Американского театра балета Мисти Копленд в Овальном кабинете Белого дома. Следующая фотография переносит нас в Южный Судан, где десятки тысяч людей стоят в очереди за гуманитарной помощью от «Красного Креста».